In 2023, we developed and launched our inclusive volunteering Work EXperience initiative programme called WEXi that provides a unique forum for socialisation, training and employment skills for the young people we support, who are struggling to secure “meaningful” or sustained employment.
Level Up Gosport
Recently, our members have volunteered their help at or have been involved in the following projects:
Some of our highlights…
- Our young people are continuing to support local Gosport charities, organisations and businesses with their events and carrying on their work in our community allotment space.
- In 2019, our members became involved in UK Youth Voice and became a UK Youth Voice representatives at the Royal Garden Party, Buckingham Palace, where they met HRH: Princess Anne and the famous Formula 1 racing driver: Nigel Mansell.
- In 2023, we were so honoured & delighted to have been awarded the Kings Award for Voluntary Service. A Trustee, plus one of our young people were invited to a glorious Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in 2024.
– Our young people are currently participating in various workshops with Itchen College, including learning how to pitch in a “Dragons’ Den” style workshop; plus taking part in various cooking and employability skills training….
– Our young people donated and delivered some yummy chocolate eggs to their chosen place: Children’s Services, in Gosport…
– Our young people have participated in First Aid & First Aid in the Workplace training (gaining certificates), plus Communities against Cancer re-fresher training…
– Our young people have been volunteering at our community allotment – clearing, tidying, digging and sowing; and looking forward to a bumper crop this year…
- Our Project Manager was nominated to receive a Police Crime & Commissioner Award for “Community Volunteer of the Year;” & one young person was nominated to receive the Gosport “Youth Award.”
- Our young people launched their local community Board Games Events – which are ongoing…
- Many of our young people participated in WEXi programmes at HiQ Autocare & Garages; The Carisbooke Arms; C2U Gosport and Gosport Community Cinema.
– Gardening at Thorngate Halls: where they completely renovated the overgrown gardens and made them neat and tidy for visitors to enjoy.
– Stokes Bay Healthy Eating Project BBQ: the members were encouraged to choose healthy BBQ eating options and enjoyed a game or 2 of rounders in the sunshine.
– My Favourite Place: Photography Project: our members worked alongside Gosport Cultural Consortium, interviewing and photographing local Gosport residents to find out where their favourite places were in the locality. The photographs were put on display at The Discovery Centre in Gosport.
– Gosport Waterfront Festival – where our members met the stars of East 17! – and is a music festival highlighting local and national talent. The members got the chance to become stewards for the day – learning valuable employability skills. The organisers were very grateful for our members’ support, as they had been let down on the day by some volunteers and would have struggled without our help.
– Gosport Rotary Club: Annual Car Rally at Stokes Bay – the members were involved in stewarding, ticket checking, keeping the venue clean and tidy, plus helped with general inquiries from the public. We received the following feedback afterwards:
“Please pass on the thanks of Gosport Rotary Club…the young people's assistance on the gates was super and the littler pickers did an excellent job; so much so that when we cleared the field at about 6pm there was virtually no litter for us to pick-up."

Volunteering at Gosport Waterfront Festival

Meeting the celebrities at the Gosport Waterfront Festival in 2022

Photography Project - My Favourite Place

Celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in 2022

Award for 2nd Place for Best Allotment 2021

Thorngate Halls garden after the renovation
Our allotment
Level Up Gosport cultivate their own allotment, a venture which regularly attracts up to eight members a week, where they learn horticultural skills with the aim of becoming 100% organic and sustainable. The older allotment holders enjoy engaging with, giving advice and exchanging produce with the young people.
…In 2021 our members came 2nd Place in a competition for the best allotment…

Our Chair of Trustees proudly receiving the Kings Award for Voluntary Service from the Lord Lieutenant for Hampshire on behalf of our charity